Pool Day Or Bust
You guys, my kids loooooove the pool, really we all do. As soon as we walk in the door after work they assure me they ate lunch and nobody is hungry so let's just get our suits on and head on over now.
Usually we negotiate eating dinner, packing snacks and drinks before flying out the door.
We are super lucky to have a really nice pool near our house so it works out nicely to cruise over for an hour to cool off and burn off some energy in the evenings. We have short summers in ND and soak in allllll things summer.
Buddy is completely set on wearing goggles everywhere he goes.
Sis living her best life. 99% sure she was singing to the tune of twinkle-twinkle little star cruising down the slide.
I CANNOT with her face. BAKER! We have to watch her like a hawk because she loves dunking her face in the water. #holdyourbreath