Hey 30, I see you
Hey 30, I see you. I’m turning 30 next week and it has me reflecting on who I am and what I’ve learned in life this far. When I was 25-ish, there was a shift in me. I didn't care as much what people thought of me (who really gives an F what people think anyways) and spent my time trying to remain true to myself and following my gut instinct. The thing is, I’ve realized the right thing for me may not be the right thing for you and visa versa. I've found a lot of peace and comfort in that. I'm so much happier.
PC: Quinn Oberlander Photography
1. Be you. Be authentically and apologetically you. You will never be able to choose what life throws your way, the good, the bad and the indifferent but you will get to choose how you respond. The bad moments don't define you, the good moments don't define you - one thing will never define you. Keep being you and keep being good to people and you'll always be okay.
2. Attitude is everything. Be positive, when you talk, smile. Piggy backing off of 1. Be good to yourself and be good to people. Nobody wants to be around someone who is dragging them down. Be a fresh breath of air.
PC: Quinn Oberlander Photography
3. Invest in people who invest in you. We have all heard it "Where in invest your love you invest your life." Spend your time on people who spend their time on you. I have spent years of my life investing into people that haven't invested their time into me. Don't do that. You'll know who the quality friends are. There have been people I've wanted SO BADLY to invest back into me and they just haven't. There doesn't need to be a breakup, just open that space up for people who want to be in your life. Be very cautious of people you only hear from when they need a favor. I have several people in my life that I just adore but hear little to none from until they could use a friend or a hand. It’s fine. Those people aren’t your people. No hard feelings. It's good to recognize and know where people stand.
4. Time is the best gift. It's the one thing in life you will never get more of and you can never get back. Be intentional.
PC: Quinn Oberlander Photography
5. Work hard. Even if you aren't in your dream job or your dream life, show up. Show up every day and give that day all you've got to give. If you want more, create a side hustle. Build an empire the way you want to but whatever you do, do NOT waste your days away being complacent. This is the only life you've got. The weight of that alone should inspire you to be present.
6. Take joy in the little things. There will be things in life that could derail you. Don't let them. One event cannot be the be all, end all. If you hear something that makes you laugh or someone says something nice, let that be a day maker. Or better yet, do things to make other people happy. You rise by lifting others.
7. The gift of confrontation. It is okay to get along with people you don’t necessarily agree with. This one is huge to me, in a world full of rights and wrongs and all of the opinions, it doesn’t need to come down to liking or hating somebody or their views. Be able to talk things out, be kind, agree to disagree. It’s finnnnne.
8. Nobody needs to do it all. Ask for help. Don’t feel bad if you can’t get to 98472398472 things in a day. Do what you can and call it good.
9. Fight clean. Don’t name call, bring things up from the past and hold things over somebody’s head. It’s not right and it’s not fair.
10. Enjoy the freaking ride! (My sister told me I needed a #10 because she’s OCD so this one is 100% true and also 100% listed to appease her because she corrects all of my typing errors. Love you boo.)